California College of the Art

Click for the school's website: here.

Location: 5212 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94618

Type of college: 4 year

Total enrollment of the college: 1,950

Percentage of undergraduate students: 36%

Percentage/ Number of graduate students: 455

Percentage or number of male students: 36%

Percentage or number of female students: 64%

Ethnic representation of the student body: 58%

Student/faculty ratio: 8:1

Average SAT/ACT score of admitted freshman: 25th percentile ACT score is 21; 75th percentile ACT score is 28

Yearly tuition: $47,266 (2017-18)

Number of majors the school offers: 22 undergraduate; 12 graduate degree programs (plus two minors)

Number of student organizations/clubs the school offers: 22

List at least one major you are interested in at this school: Photography

List at least two student organizations that you might be interested in joining: ... there are none.

List some pros you have about possibly attending this university:

List some cons you have about possibly attending this university:

Write a paragraph describing how your thoughts have changed about this university before researching it and after:

Nothing really has changes the way I feel before and after investing.

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